People of the land...
reporter: Jonathan, 2.4.07
please go here... it's very important.If you've done that already then you can go here and see how it's going.
For sure the petition idea is much much better. With an online poll the best you can hope for is that it gains enough popularity that the pro-anti-smackers jump on the band wagon too...
As you can see 6% of about 6000 are pro-anti-smacking. That's at least 360 people. So it's not like noone knows about it.
reporter - Jonathan, at 8:22 am, April 04, 2007
You'll also notice I deliberately didn't express opinion or comment on the issue in the post. I just gave the link.
reporter - Jonathan, at 8:27 am, April 04, 2007
Hi Jono,
it's been consistently 9-1 for a while now.
And we're at 17309 votes...
Kind of telling isn't it.
You going to post on S59 again soon Jono?
Cheers, Andy.
reporter - Andy, at 12:45 am, April 06, 2007
I'm actually kinda puzzled.
If this thing is an attempt at working out what new zealanders think about anti-smacking, shouldn't we be looking for a more random sample? For every link that points to it from a pro-smacking source, it's an argument against the validity of the poll.
I like the petition idea better, that way you're dealing with the raw number of people who think a way, rather than attempting to generalize to the rest of the population.
reporter -
Nathan, at 11:56 pm, April 03, 2007