Get The Edge
reporter: Jonathan, 3.3.06
I was watching TV recently and there was an infomercial for "Get The Edge". This is one of those self help programs produced by my cousin Tony Robbins. The thing that caught my attention was something Tony said during an interview. He said something along the lines of...'You don't get satisfaction by achieving. You get satisfaction by overcoming huge odds.'
I think that's really interesting. I don't think our society believes this. NCEA for example, the pass mark is 'A' which stands for Achieve. So people are incourage to Achieve with out needing to overcome any huge odds.
Just a thought
NCEA sux (probably the understatement of the year)...Achieve/Merit/ Excellence...they dont mean anything.
reporter - Priscilla, at 8:52 am, March 06, 2006
I think the meaning of "achievement" is being dulled down in our schools and society. If you do truly achieve at something would you not be overcoming huge odds?? Instead of just reaching the pass standard for NCEA which is getting lower and lower to make sure everyone 'feels good about themselves'. I think you can get satisfaction from achieving highly at something and you can get satisfaction by overcoming huge odds. Sometimes these are the same thing.
reporter - , at 1:11 pm, March 08, 2006
The cool thing about that statement is that that it's still PC - it's not pass/fail.
Every single person has huge odds. It simply depends on the goal.
reporter -
Dan, at 5:21 pm, March 04, 2006