Submissions and Section 59
reporter: Jonathan, 27.2.06
Well I've sent away my submission, as below with a few minor changes. It's the first submission I've done, so was quite exciting. I would encourage you all to get involved with submissions on topics you feel strongly about. Go to this page and you can see a list of what submissions are being called for.For those who are curious about public opinion on the repeal of section 59. Here are the results of some polls
A Stuff online poll found that %83.8 were opposed to the banning of smacking.
A TV1 online poll found %93 of respondents in favour of being able to use reasonable force to discipline their children.
A NZ Herald Digipoll found %71 were against repealing section 59 and only %21 in favour.
There you have 3 polls where the question was put in 3 different ways. Every time there is an overwhelming response that New Zealand does not want Section 59 repealed. However, our current Labour government has proven to us before that public opinion does not mean much. Of course they all know so much more and have a superior grasp on reality than us general public. Yeah Right!
Please pray about this Bill.
man, those polls weren't what I expected! You're onto it Jono, it's the Left wing govt. pushing their dodgy agenda!
Against the will of the people.
reporter - Andy, at 4:56 pm, September 20, 2006
Good on ya Jono!
reporter -
Scotty, at 8:36 am, February 28, 2006