More questions!!
reporter: Jonathan, 3.11.05
We find in scripture that the three persons of the trinity are equal.We also see Jesus through creation and also in his earthly ministry submitting to the will of the Father.
We see the Holy Spirit being sent by the Father. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't know of a place in scripture the where the Spirit does something of it's own accord. It is most commonly sent by the Father. The spirit Submits to the Father.
So there seems to be, in our knowledge of the word equality, a contradiction.
When I looked up the word equality in my Microsoft Word thesaurus I found two root meanings. 'Sameness' and 'Parity'. So I looked up the meanings of these word in the dictionary. I've deleted some from parity as they relate to Science, Money or Military weapons, not exactly on the topic!
1. The quality or condition of being the same.
2. A lack of variety or change; monotony.
1. Equality, as in amount, status, or value
So to the questions!!!
What does it mean that the 3 members of the Trinity are equal?
What does it mean that male and female are equal?
are these relationships comparable?
These relationships aren't totally comparable because there is the element of sin in the relationship of husband and wife which is not present in the trinity.
reporter - Anita, at 8:41 am, November 10, 2005
Is it not a good thing to aspire to being sinless?
reporter - Jonathan, at 9:30 am, November 10, 2005
What the?!?!? Who in the world said anything about not apsiring to be sinless..........
Why do I bother.....
reporter - Anita, at 11:45 am, November 10, 2005
I'm gonna side with Anita on this one.
Same reason that man made images of God can't be perfect - man is not perfect and is a sinner.
reporter - , at 12:35 pm, November 10, 2005
Sorry! i wasn't trying to offend anyone!! All I was trying to say is that since the Relationship of equality + submission between the members of the Trinity is Sinless... Could that be a model for us to aspire to as Humans?!
reporter - Jonathan, at 1:23 pm, November 10, 2005
Allan... I don't know what Man-made images of God have to do with it tho... Man-made images of God can't be perfect not because of our sin. But because God has no form with which you can make an image!
reporter - Jonathan, at 1:41 pm, November 10, 2005
I brought it up as a parallel. Men can't do anything righteous in this world, therefore men's images of God cannot be perfect (and thus are blasphemous).
Male and female humans in this world are not perfect, and their relationships are not perfect either.
So the male/female relationship is not a good one to use as simile for the relationship of the Trinity.
reporter - , at 5:32 pm, November 10, 2005
A perfect man, in a perfect world, could make a perfect drawing of Jesus.
But of course our imperfect minds could not conceive of that image in all it's dimensions hehe.
(ranting now :p)
reporter - , at 5:34 pm, November 10, 2005
Allan... feel free to read my comment re: what I was getting at regarding the comparison of relationships.
images is a side issue so i'll leave it! :)
reporter - Jonathan, at 5:44 pm, November 10, 2005
1) Phil 2:5-7
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
reporter -
Jonathan, at 9:02 am, November 08, 2005