That would never happen here!?!?
reporter: Jonathan, 6.9.05
I was listening to the talkback yesterday. On the afternoon program they were discussing the situation of lawlessness which occurred after hurricane Katrina. The question was asked - "Would that happen here?"People were so shocked at the reaction people had to such a terrible tragedy. That instead of helping-out, people would rather take the opportunity to abuse those in need.
But really it's not that amazing at all?!
At School, and right through life, people are not taught the value of human life. We are told that Humans evolved from nothing and that we are just animals. We believe the evolutionary statement "that the fittest will survive."
So why are we so surprised when we see/hear of people taking things at gunpoint from people dying in a hospital! Afterall - Only the fittest will survive! Those sick in hospital are no use to anyone! If you have weapons you have a means to be the fittest and to survive. Why not use them?
Our society preaches a message "We Are Just Animals!" yet is so astounded when we actually act like animals!
What's up people?!
Hey nice point Antz! never thought of that before!
reporter - Jonathan, at 9:39 am, September 09, 2005
The Zoo exhibit is just stupid.
Do they allow the other animals to retain some dignity by letting them wear fig-leaves?
Do they return the other animals to their natural habitat each evening?
The differences between humans and animals are so vast and varied that any attempt to reconcile them just looks plain stupid.
And we all know it, too.
reporter -
Dan, at 9:35 am, September 06, 2005