The Trying Times

Probably the best commentary in the world


Right Unite!

reporter: Jonathan, 19.9.05

What we saw on saturday night was that New Zealand doesn't want change enough! The right tried to consolodate within the National party. However this failed to gain quite enough support for them to take control in regard to coalition talks.

No one was a winner on saturday night.

Most people I know voted from either of these 2 perspectives:-

- Voted to get a christian party into government, or

- Voted to get Labour out of government.

And the reality is; both failed!

The sad thing is; if both had united to either cause I would suggest we would still have failed.

If the .8%(ish) of voters for CHNZ and DNZ had voted for National, it still wouldn't have had enough support.

and, I can't statistically prove it, but I think that

If those really commited Christians who support the idea of Christians parties but wanted Labour out of government more, had voted for CHNZ or DNZ, they still would still have not made the threshold.

Scott has some 'D' words, I've got some more.

I'm not disciplined enough. I'm not dedicated enough. I'm not desperate enough.

Pray for me that this will change.


^ yeah...i know of a few christians that voted for Labour...

reporter - Blogger Priscilla, at 1:15 pm, October 12, 2005 

Update sometime soon?

reporter - Blogger Anita, at 11:25 am, October 19, 2005 

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