The Trying Times

Probably the best commentary in the world


What can we do?

reporter: Jonathan, 25.8.05

There has been alot of coverage lately of rock throwing, crap in movies, twisted media coverage, banning of smacking, pornographic advertising, etc.

There's so much crap going around. But what can we do about it? I mean complaining's fun! But it doesn't always help!

I'm thinking I don't wanna be raising my kids with all this going on!

But how can we fix it?

Does anyone have any practical things that we can do to reverse the decline of our country?


For a start we need to realise the problem is beyond our capabilities of solving.

We could commit our plans to the Lord in prayer. Come to prayer meeting tonight all!

reporter - Blogger Scotty, at 2:17 pm, August 25, 2005 

Anyone?...Anyone?... can anyone do the music?

reporter - Blogger Jonathan, at 12:20 pm, August 26, 2005 

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