The Trying Times

Probably the best commentary in the world


State of the Nation

reporter: Jonathan, 31.8.05

Dear Anybody and Everybody

Please come down to Covenant Presbyterian Church, 77 Rogers Road, Manurewa, at 7am - each morning - and join us in prayer for the state of our nation and the coming election.




I am sleepy byes at 7am!!!

reporter - Blogger Anita, at 1:40 pm, August 31, 2005 

Sleepy byez?

I'm on my way to work!!

reporter - Blogger Dan, at 8:42 am, September 01, 2005 

Maybe they should make it early. I'm already well on my way to work by then... some people are such slackers..!! hehe

reporter - Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:27 am, September 02, 2005 has voice chat. And it already has a prayer room. You are welcome to meet there for international prayer :-)

reporter - Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:28 pm, September 02, 2005 

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