reporter: Jonathan, 27.7.05
This quote just seemed appropriate to a disscussion I had with some friends the other night.Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
- Anon
T, my issue was not with ignoring per sei, a great mind will of course have to ignore certain things, as there is simply too much out there to process (unless it is a supremely great mind, that can process everything). My issue was ignoring people. I consider people far more important than anything abstract.
reporter - , at 9:49 am, July 28, 2005
Yes I agree Nato.
But! I don't think think that's what the quote was trying to get at. It maybe should have said "Small minds discuss other people". Meaning people who can't be bother discussing new ideas or things happening in the world will start talking about other people, aka gossip.
reporter - Jonathan, at 9:57 am, July 28, 2005
Yeah, though it would be self-centered for great minds to not think of other people. I suggest:
All minds think in relation to people;
Great minds discuss ideas,
Average minds discuss events,
Small minds discuss gossip.
reporter - , at 10:02 am, July 28, 2005
I think you need context? Would a great mind think about issues, and ignore people? Sounds more like the aloof mind.
reporter -
Anonymous, at 10:23 pm, July 27, 2005