We're all a bunch of monkeys!
reporter: Jonathan, 20.6.05
What up kids!!Well I'm gonna just rant about creation. Hope you don't mind.
I had the privilege of attend a few answers in Genesis Seminars over the weekend!
How awesome was that?!
Big ups to the AIG people for their hard work and putting on the free seminars for us. It was such an encouragement!
So yeah... I'm gonna jump on Scott's bandwagon here... State education is not neutral!!! Science taught from the perspective of evolution is not neutral.
Evolution is not science! it's a belief system.
for example... as bible believing Christians we say that God has existed forever... and that the earth was created by God from nothing... and people say "what a load of rubbish.... you can create something from nothing! And how can God have existed forever!"
so lets look at evolution... it started with the big bang... what happened with the big bang... first there was nothing... then nothing exploded and created everything... same problem.... something is created from nothing!
same issue!
Then some smart scientist came up with an awesome idea to solve this... "No it wasn't something from nothing... What's happening is a repeating cycle where there's a big bang... then everything compresses again and then there's another bang again and so on and so forth" and all they're doing is pushing the problem back millions on years. It still had to start at some point! Or maybe it has been in existence forever...
Same issue!
These flaws in their theory make it as much based on faith and belief as any other religion.
Evolution vs creation is not science vs religion... but religion vs religion.
And therefore the belief system of evolution being taught as a basis for science in our state schools means our state schools are teaching religion.
They're not neutral!
a post in 3 days? i'm in shock heh. nah good post ya made there Jono, i like ya point about it being religion vs religion rather than science vs religion
reporter - Priscilla, at 11:26 am, June 20, 2005
It's also bad science vs good science.
Creationism doesn't ignore problems. It puts them aside pending new data.
Evolution ignores contradictory data in favor of promoting their pre-existing preconceptions.
reporter - , at 9:50 pm, June 21, 2005
reporter -
Scotty, at 10:15 am, June 20, 2005