Um... I'd like to have an argument please
reporter: Jonathan, 23.6.05
What happened to good old debate and argument.What is really annoying is when you put up a good argument and people respond by either personal attack or a statement about how your argument is wrong and having absolutely no reasoning nor counter argument to back up their claims!
Lefties! RAAAAAA!
I'm probably hogging the crowd. Debate is what I love to do on Bible stuff. So most of the debates are probably restricted to that chat room again. Perhaps I should stop hunting them and fishing for them with baited comments and just share with the rest of the world...
reporter - , at 2:49 am, June 24, 2005
I disagree. I think arguments happen too often, and as christians we shouldn't participate in such petty disagreements.
reporter - , at 10:36 am, June 24, 2005
I'm disagreeing with you...
Actually, I was just being silly. You wanted an argument, so naturally I had to assume a contary position.
reporter - Nathan, at 11:33 pm, June 24, 2005
haha... i actually agree with you tho!
we shouldn't participate in petty disagreements for the sake of it...
reporter - Jonathan, at 10:33 am, June 25, 2005
yes it is!
(So Jono, in a sense are you disagreeing with me making this argument?, which in a sense, is rather petty :D)
reporter - Nathan, at 11:04 am, June 25, 2005
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Anonymous, at 11:42 pm, June 23, 2005