Small Furry Creatures
reporter: Jonathan, 17.6.05
On the facial hair front!...I cannot believe people could think that facial hair could potentially make the difference between marrying someone or not!
I was trying to stick up for the girls in this world that they live in under an intense pressure to look good. but it seems that's how they prefer it!
oh well...
I know many men with tidy beards.
Perhaps those who have problems with beards care a little to much for the culture of the day.
reporter - Scotty, at 4:43 pm, June 17, 2005
"I suspect its more like the attitudes that people display"
This can work both ways Nato!
Have you thought that maybe it's not specifially facial hair that i'm worried about. But more the attitude people... mainly girls are displaying with their dislike of facial hair?
reporter - , at 4:57 pm, June 17, 2005
Indeed it can, girls have a bad attitude. Perhaps they ought to have no preference if guys shave or not, perhaps they ought to not care at all about guys appearance, perhaps they should like a guy who doesn't shower, because he's still a christian. There is vanity, and there is looking after yourself. It's a fine line to draw.
So, there are potentially two problems - a bad male attitude, and a bad female attitude. We ought not justify either of these because of the possible existance of the other.
reporter - , at 5:23 pm, June 17, 2005
So are you saying that i have a bad attitude as a male bacuase i'm growing facial hair?
reporter - , at 5:30 pm, June 17, 2005
Yes, quite frankly, I find your attitude shocking, and find it hard to believe that a christian such as yourself is not only growing facial hair, but condoning it!
Seriously though, I can't judge your attitudes.
I was meaning to agree with you - "We ought not justify either of these because of the possible existance of the other." So, we shouldn't justify female bad attitudes because of male bad attitudes.
So, I'd encourage you to explain more fully the bad attitudes you see in girls. At the same time, I believe an acknowledgement that it is possible for guys to have a bad attitude will go a long way to help girls accept your arguments.
reporter - , at 11:52 pm, June 17, 2005
thanks for defending girls, Jono! Its about time someone acknowledged what we have to put up with!
No more plucking eyebrows, shaving legs, bleaching moustaches, waxing armpits!
Bring on the Revolution!
Or maybe not.
I'm scared of the real world.
I have been indoctrinated for so long....
lol =)
reporter - Michelle, at 1:25 pm, June 20, 2005
I'm not sure it would come down to facial hair or not. It can still be a factor nonetheless
I suspect its more like the attitudes that people display, and facial hair may be one manifestation of attitudes that girls may not like. So, if someone has bad facial hair, along with other clues, the girl may think that the guy is a slob, and can't look after himself.
So, as guys, we shouldn't think that by being clean-shaven we will get ourselves a wife. Rather, we should have an attitude both of humility, wanting the best for our wives, being prepared to compromise what doesn't matter, and from this, we should be tidy. Not just tidy facial hair, but a tidy life.
reporter -
Anonymous, at 4:35 pm, June 17, 2005