reporter: Jonathan, 10.5.04
[ Song Lyrics ]Traded in my ticket... I grew up and traded it in
Can't do it again, can't go back, it's time now, can't do it again
I can't go back, this time has come
Across the sea, I see you but you don't see me, train leaves at 9p. It's only memories now of the days that past so quickly, remember the days I used to sing those songs, the days on the other end of the track seem so far away, and now, in this Alcatraz of the city, I've traded in my ticket, traded it in. Forget all that, train leaves at 9p
Whispers heard so clearly in this wild night, rain that never seems to stop even when the grey has gone. See a lady in a white dress singing "I was lost but now I'm found"? Yeah, well I traded in my ticket. She led me into it really, the concrete girl with her fine eyes and wild hair, I ripped a piece off and gave it to the man on the door, it wasn't much, just the corner, and I traded it in, followed her in there so many times, each time just a little more
gave it to the man as I walked in the door
Never the less, I make my way to the station, tears fall from the darkened sky, sit on the wet bench, watch the people board. Regret hits like the train in front of me, stranded now. And what for? Because I traded in my only way home, for the company of this... concrete city
There is a shuffle beside me, I look up to see a face I don't know. "Lost your ticket son?" I look away, can't handle this shame. He pulled something white from his pocket, "this is my one."... my eyes start to fill as he turns and walks away... whistle's blowing now, everything's gone
My hand touched something as I clutched the wetted wood bench, he'd left it there, his own ticket, perfect and white. His name had been scratched out, mine in place, I know who he was now, it's easier to see from this side of the tracks. He died out there, alone in that concrete prison, so I could be here, across the sea.
(Soda - Concrete City)