The Trying Times

Probably the best commentary in the world


reporter: Jonathan, 18.8.03

[ Continuing Chatter to Clearly Cover the Concerning Case of Contoversy ]

Just a small note. My friend Nato believes there is a problem with controversy. I would tend to agree with his point, but just like to say that I think the problem is not so much with controversy. The problem is with our attitude. That is why I stated that controversy for the sake of arguement is not helpful. If we are arguing for no genuine reason we can find ourselves believing something just for the sake of it and argue it up to a point where we believe something that we only believe because we've argued for it for no reason. If that makes sence. Another thing. Arguement and controversy are not the same thing. If we create contoversy we should first believe that our position is complete, true and biblical. Only then should we consider make controversy. If controversy then just becomes an arguement then maybe we need to find a different appoach!! As we've established that the person creating controversy has a biblical position then the person argueing with them must be wrong. Most likely they will continute arguing and if it gets to a point where they just don't see your point of view then continuing to argue helps no one. If this is the case then they need the Holy Spirit to clarify it for them, not a big arguement that goes nowhere.

[ YBC ]

For those of you who have not been to a Youth Bible Conference before this is a wicked opportunity to grow in your relationship with and knowledge of the Lord and also to meet Christian people from around the country.

I've just added to the site all the information you need so you can organise your holidays around coming to YBC.

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