The Trying Times

Probably the best commentary in the world


reporter: Jonathan, 18.6.03

I'm back!!!
If you haven't been reading Scott's Blog then you will be wondering where I'm back from! Scott and I have spent the last couple of days tramping. Yesterday afternoon (tuesday) we treked from the car for about 2 and a half hours to the hut. And then this morning we climbed to the top of the pinnacles and back to the hut before returning to the car. Talk about up hill!!! It was more like rock climbing than tramping for quite a bit of the way. Anyway... it was an awesome experience. Good opportunity to get away from everything and talk. We spend a bit of time on tuesday night going through Malachi and then James they're both wicked books. I know STEPS have been going through Malachi. It's all about God being angry at his people for being half-hearted and deceitful with their giving to God. Very challenging. James has some awesome verses. One that stood out especially is James 4:4b "whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." Thats pretty powerful and scary stuff! But something alot of us as Christians need to realize! After our reading we decided to spend some time in prayer before going off to bed. So it was a very encouraging and challenging experience in more ways than one!... including the fact that Scott forgot the noodles! tehe
Yeah... so that's something I think we need to do more often. Just get away from the world! Not necessarily tramping but just getting away. Although tramping is good. If you can do it often enough you won't need Strong Bad's Ab-Abber 2000!

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